Using Perl
PERL version 5.8.5 has been installed on the Hybrid servers. Documentation on PERL can be access on their Official Site You can reference the PERL interpreter in your CGI scripts by placing the following line at the beginning of the script:
Note:Older UNIX only servers have version 5.0 and it is located at /usr/bin/perl
You can use one of the following scripts to test that all is well on your VWS:
Test Script #1 - Hello World!
# - this script declares a variable and prints it out.
# force tight variable handling (proper declarations, scoping, etc.)
use strict;
my $variable;
$variable = "Hello World";
print "$variable\n"
Test Script #2 - CGI Environment Variables
# - go through the hash array of environment
# variables and print them out
# see description of this line in ''
use strict;
my $var;
# this loop goes through the %ENV hash array
# printing out the key/value pair which represents
# the name of the environment variable and its value
# %ENV is a reserved structure available to Perl
foreach $var (sort(keys %ENV)) {
print "$var => $ENV{$var}\n";
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